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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Smooth scrolling in IPad and IPhones

Recently, I was working on implementation of SharePoint 2013 public site with responsive behavior using bootstrap.

I was facing unusual issue with scrolling of web pages in IPad and IPhones.  The scroll was not smooth enough like it was working in Android devices. One of my good friend who is an expert SharePoint UI developer suggested following one liner CSS fix for this issue.

-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

This worked like a charm.

I am not much familiar with the -webkit. As per this link, it is Open-Source browser Engine used by Safari which is the default browser in all Apple devices.


Unknown said...


Can you please tell me how and where to apply this one liner fix for scrolling issue on iphone after making SP 2013 responsice

Rizwan Ansari said...

You will have to write the entry in your CSS file associated with the master page.